After you have mastered all of the basic skills, you must then apply what you learned as you master the following Keyboard Theory requirements. In order to enter AMTA Pre-college District Auditions in April, all KT&T challenges must be successfully mastered by February Studio Festival.
ExampleChallenges on this webpage:
1) C Major Inchworm Intervals and Victory Landing for 2nd fingers.
2) G Major Intervals
3) F Major Intervals
4) Victory Landing Etudes for 2, 3, 4 RH (Lost in the Desert) and LH (Hungry Pug's Lament)
5) Hamburger Triad Etude 1
6) Hamburger Meets Snowman Triad Etude 2
7) G Major Triad (Tonic/One Chord)
8) F Major Triad (Tonic/One Chord)
9) Rotation
10) Wombat Walkabout Etude (crossing under over 3)
11) In and Out
12) Hokey Pokey Etude
13) Legato for Legato Intervals
14) Alberti Bass Pattern and Broken Triads with Single Rotation
15) 3-2-1 In Etude
16) 1-2-3 Out Etude
17) Arpeggio C Major
18) Arpeggio G Major
19) Arpeggio F Major
20) 1-2-3-2-1 Out and In Etude
21) 3-2-1-2-3 In and Out Etude
22) G Major Scale RH Descending Preparatory Etude
23) G Major Scale LH Ascending Preparatory Etude
24) G Major Scale RH Ascending and Descending
25) G Major Scale LH Ascending and Descending
26) Wombat Walkabout Etude (crossing under over 4)
27) F Major Scale RH Descending Preparatory Etude
28) F Major Scale LH Ascending Preparatory Etude
29) F Major Scale RH Ascending and Descending
30) F Major Scale LH Ascending and Descending
31) C Major Scale RH Descending Preparatory Etude
32) C Major Scale LH Ascending Preparatory Etude
33) C Major Scale RH Ascending and Descending
34) C Major Scale LH Ascending and Descending
Examples of Ultimate AMTA KT&T for Age 6 and Under:
Level 1 - Challenge 1: C Major Inchworm Intervals
Directions: Watch the following short videos. Then, using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the C Major Intervals. Are you sitting at the correct bench height? Are your feet flat on the floor (or footstool)? Are you observing correct posture? Are you using the correct finger shape? Are your wrists level so the fingers, hand, forearm feel like one unit? Is your hand straight in front of the forearm so that you are not twisting the hand at the wrist toward the pinky? Apply ALL that you learned with the Basics in Part A and B. Once you have practiced the intervals for several days and mastered them, complete the Contact Form in this Yellow Color Block to notify your teacher for credit toward your KT&T Trophy.
Directions: Watch the following short videos. Then, using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the C Major Intervals. Are you sitting at the correct bench height? Are your feet flat on the floor (or footstool)? Are you observing correct posture? Are you using the correct finger shape? Are your wrists level so the fingers, hand, forearm feel like one unit? Is your hand straight in front of the forearm so that you are not twisting the hand at the wrist toward the pinky? Apply ALL that you learned with the Basics in Part A and B. Once you have practiced the intervals for several days and mastered them, complete the Contact Form in this Yellow Color Block to notify your teacher for credit toward your KT&T Trophy.
Level 1 - Challenge 2: G Major Intervals
Directions: Watch the video example below. Using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the G Major Intervals.
Say aloud as you play:
G to G is a prime or unison
G to A is a 2nd
G to B is a 3rd
G to C is a 4th
G to D is a 5th
G to E is a 6th
G to F-sharp is a 7th
G to G is an 8th or octave
Directions: Watch the video example below. Using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the G Major Intervals.
Say aloud as you play:
G to G is a prime or unison
G to A is a 2nd
G to B is a 3rd
G to C is a 4th
G to D is a 5th
G to E is a 6th
G to F-sharp is a 7th
G to G is an 8th or octave
Level 1 - Challenge 3: F Major Intervals
Directions: Watch the video. Using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the F Major Intervals.
Say aloud as you play:
F to F is a prime or unison
F to G is a 2nd
F to A is a 3rd
F to B-flat if a 4th
F to C is a 5th
F to D is a 6th
F to E is a 7th
F to F is an 8th or Octave
Directions: Watch the video. Using a perfect Victory Landing for 2nd fingers, play the F Major Intervals.
Say aloud as you play:
F to F is a prime or unison
F to G is a 2nd
F to A is a 3rd
F to B-flat if a 4th
F to C is a 5th
F to D is a 6th
F to E is a 7th
F to F is an 8th or Octave
6) Hamburger Meets Snowman Triads Etude #2
Directions: Watch the video and play this etude NON-LEGATO using a Victory landing for each, interval, and triad. Make sure there NO sinking in the wrist. Your forearm and hand must balance over the fingers to provide the weight for key depression. Fingers will NOT grip or push into the key. Remember your Walking Hand and Arm video from the Basics Set A!
Directions: Watch the video and play this etude NON-LEGATO using a Victory landing for each, interval, and triad. Make sure there NO sinking in the wrist. Your forearm and hand must balance over the fingers to provide the weight for key depression. Fingers will NOT grip or push into the key. Remember your Walking Hand and Arm video from the Basics Set A!